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All Saints’ Day not a Holy Day of Obligation in 2021, but go to Mass anyways!

This year, the solemnity of All Saint’s on November 1 will not be a holy day of obligation. Faithful in the United States are not required to attend Mass during this solemnity. This dispensation is granted when this specific solemnity falls on a Saturday or Monday.

The Code of Canon Law (1246 § 2) declares that an Episcopal Conference “can suppress some of the holy days of obligation or transfer them to a Sunday” with the required approval of the Apostolic See.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops decided to eliminate the obligation to attend Mass when the solemnities of January 1 (Mary, Mother of God), August 15 (The Assumption) and November 1 (All Saints Day) fell on Saturday or Monday. The Holy See approved this decree on July 4, 1992.

Even so, all faithful who are able to attend Mass are still invited to do so or to join the universal Church by celebrating this important solemnity through prayer.

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