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Week 6: Summer at St. John the Evangelist in Loveland

Two young adults—Brett Baeverstad and Summer Swisher—who are working as teachers in the youth summer program Totus Tuus being offered at parishes across the Denver Archdiocese, have offered to write a weekly blog about their experiences for the Denver Catholic Register. The week six column by Swisher is below.

In every week of Totus Tuus, God continues to reveal himself more and more to me. He is such a mystery and it is in this mystery that I desire to know him more. This week he reminded me of the beauty in intimacy and reminded me of how much he has truly blessed my life.

For week six, July 14-18, Brett’s team and my team came together to teach at St. John the Evangelist in Loveland. This is my home parish so I was thrilled to be there.

Both the daytime program and the nighttime program were amazing. The kids in the daytime program were so eager to be participating in Totus Tuus. An extreme amount of joy filled my heart in preparing the music for Mass. Each day, we have a small amount of time to teach the children different songs for the Eucharist, reminding them as St. Augustine said,” He who sings prays twice.” Their singing was absolutely beautiful! I am certain the Lord smiled as he heard their sweet voices. It made our hearts rejoice.

During Mass on July 15, in teaching about the Wedding Feast at Cana, Father Sam Morehead chose two Totus Tuus teachers to reenact what a Catholic marriage was like. The kids loved it. Later on that week, in discussing the institution of the Eucharist at Mass, Father Sam washed all of the teachers’ feet. This brought tears to all of our eyes, as we saw the humility and the imitation of Christ in Father Sam. But there was more: Father Sam let each of us wash a student’s feet.

Both the wedding and the washing of the feet reminded me of the beauty of the sacraments and the beauty of laying our lives down for others. It is in these acts of selflessness and intimacy that we truly imitate Christ and we are able to truly receive and give love.

The Lord has showered so many blessings upon my life, and I am grateful for the beautiful reminders he has given me this week.

Summer Swisher is a recent graduate of the University of Colorado in Boulder. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology with a minor in dance and a minor in religious studies. She loves Jesus, people and dance. This is her first year teaching Totus Tuus, for which she feels honored and blessed.

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