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Week 5: Summer at St. Michael’s in Delta

Two young adults—Brett Baeverstad and Summer Swisher—who are working as teachers in the youth summer program Totus Tuus being offered at parishes across the Denver Archdiocese, are writing a weekly blog about their experiences for the Denver Catholic Register. The week five column by Swisher is below.

After having a week off June 30-July 4 and some time to recuperate, I was super excited to start the second half of Totus Tuus. This week, July 7-11, my team and I ventured to the Western Slope to Delta. Here, the Lord presented us with many new things for an extremely joy-filled week.

St. Michael Parish in Delta, in the Diocese of Pueblo, had never experienced Totus Tuus before. My team and I were quite curious about how the week would turn out.

In previous weeks, many kids had attended Totus Tuus before and had expectations on what it looks like, games that would be played and songs we would sing. This week, however, was brand new to the students and there were no expectations. The kids absolutely loved it. On the first day, they were curious about who we were and why we were there. By the end of the week, however, they were excited and shouting, singing and participating just as much as any other parish.

The high school and middle school kids taught me so much. I am happy and blessed to say that I made some really awesome friends. The conversations ranged from the kids teasing me to talking with the girls about what a good and holy relationship with a man looks like. The Lord has challenged me to trust him more and more each day. When he asks something new and unexpected, he asks me to surrender and say yes. He is constantly transforming my heart and making all things new.

This was yet another week that made visible and tangible the things going on in my soul. Truly God makes all things new. Delta was such a beautiful parish and I am grateful for such a joyous week.

Summer Swisher is a recent graduate of the University of Colorado in Boulder. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology with a minor in dance and a minor in religious studies. She loves Jesus, people and dance. This is her first year teaching Totus Tuus, for which she feels honored and blessed.

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