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Society to host healing, meditative conference for adults, youths

The St. Thomas Aquinas Society is hosting its next free conference in Colorado Springs focused on leading the faithful to meditation, healing and joy in Christ.

This year’s title “Blessed Be God” will bring a host of priests and laity who will share the faith, give testimonies and present on a variety of engaging topics Aug. 1-3 at the Pikes Peak Center, 190 S. Cascade Ave.

All are invited.

Speakers include EWTN’s Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J., who will also celebrate a Mass as will Colorado Springs Bishop Michael Sheridan.

Attendees will have an opportunity to attend Mass, go to adoration, take part in a Eucharistic procession and a healing service, and listen to a contemporary concert performed by Bernie Choiniere.

Topics being explored include the Holy Spirit, forgiveness and reconciliation, miracles, the will of God, spiritual warfare and mercy.

Simultaneously, a young adult track will be offered in the same building. Presenters will give guidance on what it means to be Catholic in the modern world and address questions such as “What does it mean to be a Catholic in the 21st century” and spiritual discernment.

Registration is open online at Call 719-448-0020 for details. Attendees may make hotel reservations by calling 719-471-8680. Donations are accepted for the conference.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Society is a nonprofit established to promote the Catholic faith and teaching of the Church and encourage prayer and adoration. The society hosts conferences, Masses, retreat days, concerts and testimonials.

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