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On 4/20, “That They Might Have Life” a timely reminder of marijuana’s negative eff

It’s April 20th, a date colloquially associated with the promotion and celebration of marijuana.

Here in Colorado, that “celebration” is very much in the air today and throughout the year.

While some may see the day as a reason for revelry, we are reminded of the detrimental impacts of marijuana use on individuals, families and society in Archbishop Aquila’s Pastoral Letter “That They Might Have Life,” published last year.

“The most important thing we can do as Christians in response to a drug culture is proclaiming the Gospel,” wrote Archbishop Aquila. “It is through the love, mercy, meaning and hope found in Jesus Christ that people will be deterred from drug use or inspired to break free of its influence.”

We pray for those in the throes of addiction, as well as all others affected by drug use and abuse. May the Lord Jesus draw near with his healing compassion, so that they might have life and have it abundantly (cf. John 10:10).

To read Archbishop Aquila’s Pastoral Letter “That They Might Have Life,” click here.

To read Denver Catholic’s synopsis of the Letter, click here.

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