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November is National Black Catholic History Month

What do Simone Biles, Donna Brazile, and Kobe Bryant all have in common?

Through their successes, trials and tribulations, they have remained devout members of the Catholic faith.

In celebration of National Black Catholic History Month, the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library will display a special exhibit in honor of Black Catholics during the month of November, created by the Office of Black Catholic Ministry at the Archdiocese of Denver. In addition, the library has a permanent gallery that highlights the contributions of local Black Catholics, past and present.

Kateri Joda Williams, Director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministry, invites you to explore the displays of the Knights of Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary in addition to photos of Deacon Clarence McDavid, State Senator Angela Williams, the late Adetunji Joda, Sr., and Servant of God, Julia Greeley, Denver’s own Angel of Charity who is one of six Black candidates for canonization.

On Nov. 16, Williams will host an informal meet and greet session for Black Catholics at the research library from 10 a.m. to noon. Wanting to connect with all Black Catholics across the archdiocese, Williams also has created a brief survey that can be accessed from the archdiocesan website or the Black Catholic Ministry Facebook page.

The Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library is located at 2401 Welton Street in Denver. Please call or check the library website for library hours in the month of November. All are invited to celebrate the long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics.

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