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No March for Life this month, but still lots of ways to Celebrate Life

Although the annual Celebrate Life March will be a little different this year, what will remain the same is the enthusiasm of the pro-life community that is once again ready to demonstrate and defend the beauty of human life from conception until natural death.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to keep everyone safe, the Celebrate Life March will not be held in Denver this year. In spite of this, the pro-life community will still be able to celebrate life and participate from their own homes or local parishes, if allowed.

“We need to thank God for the gift of life and mourn the loss of vast millions of innocent children,” said Lynn Grandon, Program Director of the Respect Life Office at Catholic Charities of Denver. “Participate in our social media campaign with clever and poignant messages – and pray before you post them – that God may use them to touch hearts and change lives.”

Social Media Campaign

For starters, the Respect Life Office has launched a social media campaign throughout January for people to show their support in creative ways. To participate, all you have to do is create images, skits, songs, or banners and hold them on public sidewalks at intersections to support the pro-life movement. You can also participate by sharing inspiring pro-life posts on social media using the hashtag #CelebrateLife2021.

“This is a challenging time in our country.  Strong winds are blowing to overturn our core values honoring the value, worth, and dignity of all human life at every age and every stage of development,” Grandon added. “We as Catholics must set our hearts to lead by example: learn apologetics on all life issues, share these truths with kindness, and encourage one another in community.”

Local Ways to Celebrate

In Colorado and across the country, local parishes will be celebrating life in their own ways with special Masses, Adoration Holy Hours and Eucharistic Processions following the Department of Health’s COVID-19 guidelines to keep everyone safe.

For Colorado parishes that will be participating in the celebration for life, click here. To find the parish nearest you, click here to view an interactive map.

Additionally, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila will be celebrating a special livestreamed Respect Life Mass at the Cathedral on Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. Click here to tune in.

There is limited space to attend the Respect Life Mass with Archbishop Aquila; to sign up, click here.

National Day of Prayer on Jan. 22

Another way to participate in the celebration for life is by joining the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on Jan. 22. On this day in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in the country. As Catholics and pro-life advocates, we are called to observe this day through prayer and fasting. Click here for more information.

National March for Life

On the other hand, just as it has been happening since 1974, the National March for Life will be held on Jan. 29 in Washington, D.C.

Even though it, too, will look different this year due to the pandemic, the pro-life community will still have the chance to participate virtually. The event will feature as the keynote speaker and guest of honor Tim Tebow, former NFL player, New York Times bestselling author, and Heisman Trophy recipient. Among other special guests, Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knight of Columbus, will be honored with the 2021 Pro-Life Legacy Award, an award recognizing his exceptional work advocating for the dignity of the unborn human. To watch the events virtually on Jan. 29, RSVP here.

Livestreamed Holy Hours on EWTN

Moreover, as a result of local attendance restrictions in place, this year’s National Prayer Vigil for Life in Washington, D.C., will not be open to the public. In response, for the first time ever, bishops across the country will be taking turns leading live-streamed holy hours throughout the night, with an opening Mass celebration that will be televised through EWTN. For the full programming schedule, click here.

“Coming together in these events remind us that we are not alone in the challenge to uphold our faith in the public square,” Grandon concluded. “Also, our Lord and the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us join us in the Holy Mass to speak to our hearts and give us grace and courage to do what is right as we strive to promote the Gospel of Life.”

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