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New angels stationed at Little Sisters’ Mullen Home (UPDATED with photo gallery)

The Little Sisters of the Poor have installed a unique set of Stations of the Cross on the grounds of their Mullen Home for the Aged at 29th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard in northwest Denver.

“Many of our homes have Stations outside,” explained Mother Patricia Mary, L.S.P. “The thing that’s striking about these Stations is there is an angel in each.” {Story continues below}

The bronze Stations inlaid in light-colored brick were created by contemporary liturgical sculptor Lynn Kircher. Kircher crafts sculptures for churches nationwide, including several in the Archdiocese of Denver, and lives in the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado.

“As Lynn said, ‘Angels don’t come into our lives and leave,’” Mother Patricia Mary relayed, “’but remain with us throughout it.’”

About 40 people gathered under blue skies—including residents, sisters, supporters and Kircher—on the afternoon of June 6 as the Stations were dedicated by Archbishop Samuel Aquila. The group traveled from station to station as the archbishop led them in prayer.

“Almighty everlasting God, who do not forbid us to carve or paint likenesses of your saints, in order that whenever we look at them with our bodily eyes, we may call to mind their holy lives,” Archbishop Aquila prayed. “And resolve to follow in their footsteps.”

Since the Stations were installed along a walkway in the side yard last year, residents and others praying them have been moved by the love and compassion of the Lord’s gift revealed in the sculptures, Mother Patricia Mary said. Each Station was sponsored by a donor family, many of whom attended the dedication, including a family that traveled from Chicago.

“On behalf of the residents and all at Mullen Home, we extend a heartfelt thank you to the many people who generously support this beautiful memorial of the Lord’s Passion,” Mother Patricia Mary said.

The Stations are available for Mullen Home residents and all who would like to come and meditate on the Lord’s Pasion, she said. Mullen Home for the Aged is located at 3629 W. 29th Ave.

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