Although our wonderful state continues to surprise us with snow days and low temperatures, summer fun is closer than you think and registration for summer activities has begun. It’s not too early to plan ahead.
Here are some options for summer activities happening around the archdiocese.
Steubenville of the Rockies
For the 23rd year in a row, high school students are invited to join a powerful weekend at the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference held at the Crowne Plaza DIA in Denver.
It’s a weekend full of inspiring speakers, Eucharistic adoration, energizing music, fun and fellowship with over 2,000 other Catholic teenagers from across the country. If you’re not in high school but still want to attend the Steubenville Conference, you can be part of the Mercy Squad for young adults ages 18-25.
Registration for the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference is now open. Secure your spot and learn more at
Highlight Catholic Sports Camps
Formerly known as Frassati Sports and Adventure Camp, Highlight Catholic Ministries has expanded their programs to include sports camps for both boys and girls.
Started in 2016 as a ministry of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Frassati Sports Camp is the boys’ division of Highlight that includes baseball, basketball, soccer and more. Badano Sports, named for Blessed Chiara “Luce” Badano, is the girls’ division of Highlight that was just launched in 2018.
All camps include prayer, drills, Catechesis, contests, games, Catholic mentoring, speakers, giveaways, and prizes.
For registration and details about the summer camps, visit
Annunciation Heights
If you’re looking for a place where you or your little ones can encounter God through the beauty of creation, Annunciation Heights is the way to go.
Annunciation Heights is a Catholic youth and family camp located in the heart of Colorado’s majestic Rocky Mountains. The Summer Camp programs include activities such as hiking, climbing and zip-lining, along with daily Mass, confession, formation and prayer.
This year, there will be six camps from June to July for campers in 4th to 12th grade, in addition to three family camps.
Registration for Annunciation Heights Summer Camp 2020 is now open, and space is limited. Register by visiting
Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus (Latin for Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic summer catechetical program for first graders through 12th graders across the country. The program consists of sending college students and seminarians from across the U.S. in teams of four to host events to help youths develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and learn a vibrant example of faith from young adults.
This year will mark 20 years that the Totus Tuus program has been in the Archdiocese of Denver. Parishes can apply for a Totus Tuus program to be held at their parish, and young adults can also apply to be instructors.
For more information about registration and participating parishes, visit