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Magnificat to host charismatic speaker at meal

The newly-formed Denver chapter of the Magnificat will gather again in September to encourage women to say ‘yes’ to God as Mary once did.

The Magnificat, a nonprofit named after Mary’s song in the Gospel of Luke, is a women-to-women’s ministry focused on preserving Catholic culture and encouraging growth in the faith.

“We’re trying to keep the Catholic culture alive,” said one of the Denver chapter’s ‘Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament’ founders, Mary Anne Dagli of St. Jude Church in Arvada. “It’s wonderful in today’s world we have this opportunity to do this.”

Gathering to pray and dine together is the focus of the Sept. 21 event at the Pinehurst Country Club when international charismatic leader Patti Mansfield will speak to inspire attendees.

Men are invited to this special event when Mansfield, who met Pope Francis in June during a national assembly of the charismatic movement, will share her experience of Christ’s transforming love. Mansfield was present at the famous Duquesne University retreat in the 60s when she and other students reportedly encountered the Holy Spirit which later led to the Catholic charismatic renewal movement in the United States.

“It’s a meal where women get a chance to gather together and pray and hear testimony of the speaker,” Dagli said.

After the meal, women will participate in praise and worship and hear Mansfield’s talk.

“After her talk, she said she’s willing to pray with people,” Dagli said.

An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will also be presented. Attendees will have access to the sacrament of reconciliation and anointing of the sick. Father Ken Koehler, V.F., of St. Mark Parish in Westminster, the ministry’s spiritual advisor, will also attend.

Local Denver women sought to launch the Denver chapter and gained Archbishop Samuel Aquila’s approval last year. The national ministry was founded under the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Dagli now runs the Denver chapter with Mary Catherine Unrein, Therese Wolf and Marion Butz.

“It’s a wonderful objective to call women to living a life of holiness and giving them a venue with others who are interested in doing that,” she said.

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Magnificat’s ‘Come Holy Spirit’ meal

When: 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 21

Where: Pinehurst County Club, 6255 W. Quincy Ave., Denver

Cost: $25

Register: by Sept. 15 online at and search for the Denver chapter or by email at

Information: Call 303-885-6882

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