The directors of El Pueblo Católico, the archdiocesan Spanish newspaper, decided to change its name to Denver Catholic en Español after its 20th anniversary with the objective of unifying both of the archdiocesan newspapers — Spanish and English. Within the past year, we have improved upon our collaboration with the Denver Catholic staff, have a greater variety of editors, improved upon our quality and focused on writing more creative articles. However, some readers have mentioned that they connected better with El Pueblo Católico (the name). For that reason, at the end of April, we held a meeting with a committee that included some Hispanic ministry leaders and committed lay people. The idea of returning to the name El Pueblo Católico was raised and they, in a unanimous decision, supported the name change.
El Pueblo Católico returns with a more varied content, new writers, higher quality graphic resources and also more local activities, news and articles. We will have a greater presence in parishes and ecclesial movements of the Metro area. Readers are our reason for being and therefore we ask them to support us by sharing feedback, suggesting topics and sharing stories so that El Pueblo Católico can respond to Christ’s call to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Mt, 28, 19 – 20)