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Benevolent couple say generosity is ‘God’s work’

More than 10 years and 40 ministries later, philanthropists Mark and Nancy Bauman say they’re only stewards of God’s gifts.

Mark and Nancy Bauman

The Baumans, who attend Holy Name Parish in Englewood, will receive the Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila Leadership Award at the Centro San Juan Diego gala Oct. 1 for their support of ministries in the Archdiocese of Denver.

“We’re honored, but we don’t see it as our work,” Nancy told the Denver Catholic Register. “We see it as our hands doing God’s work.”

After Mark retired as president and chief operating officer of Starz Entertainment Group in 2005, he and Nancy decided to give their time, talent and treasure to the Church. They’ve been involved with ministries locally and nationally including the archdiocesan seminaries, FOCUS campus ministry, the Augustine Institute, Bella Natural Women’s Care, Christ in the City, Catholic Charities, The Catholic Foundation, The Congo Relief Mission, Bishop Machebeuf High School and ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women). Both Mark and Nancy have served on the boards of a number of these ministries.

“Mark and Nancy have been nominated for this award in recognition of their tremendous heart and devotion to the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Denver,” reads a statement from Centro. “Their exceptional fidelity, and tireless service and generosity, have benefitted the social, educational and faithful journey of thousands of individuals.”

The couple also gives their time in committees and consultations.

“What we have is not ours,” Nancy said. “It was given to us as a gift and we have to answer someday to God for what he gave.”

The Baumans hope others in the community will be moved to also give to ministries.

Centro, the Hispanic institute for family and pastoral care, will also award Ana Chaparro with the Pastoral Leadership Award, Dave and Kathy Martz with the Social Justice Leadership Award and FirstBank with the Amistad Award.

This year’s gala will feature keynote speaker Alejandro Bermudez, executive director of the Catholic News Agency.

The award recipients have given to Centro over the years to support its mission to strengthen families through education, leadership, faith and family services.

For more information about Centro and its annual gala, visit

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