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Archdiocesan publications honored with 33 Catholic Media Awards – the most ever!

The Catholic Media Association recently announced their 2023 Catholic Media Award recipients, and with great honor, we are pleased to share that the Archdiocese of Denver’s publications received a total of 33 awards between the Denver Catholic and its Spanish sister publication, El Pueblo Católico – the most we’ve ever received!

Notable awards received include El Pueblo Católico editor Vladimir Mauricio-Perez being named Spanish Editor of the Year for the third year in a row, with El Pueblo Católico being named first runner-up Spanish Publication of the Year; Michael O’Neill being named first runner-up Advertising Business/Marketing Professional of the Year; André Escaleira, Jr. receiving an honorable mention for Social Media Professional of the Year; and several first and second place awards between both publications for the exceptional work of the design team, including a “sweep” of the layout/design category!

“The team at the Denver Catholic and El Pueblo Católico is thrilled to be recognized by our colleagues in Catholic media around the United States,” said Kevin Greaney, Executive Director of Marketing & Communications for the Archdiocese of Denver. “We’ve been working hard to create beautiful print publications in both English and Spanish, while also expanding our digital presence for daily Catholic news to inspire a wide range of audiences in this new apostolic age. Many thanks to the Catholic Media Association and to all our peers in Catholic media!

On behalf of the entire staff of the Denver Catholic and El Pueblo Católico, we remain grateful for the ongoing support and encouragement from you, our readers, and we are humbled to serve the church in northern Colorado and all of her faithful. We are inspired daily by the examples of faith within the archdiocese and can say with confidence that the Lord is moving in big ways here in the Archdiocese of Denver. There’s never a shortage of stories to tell, and we thank you for giving us the distinct honor and privilege to tell them. For the glory of the Father!

Denver Catholic

Advertising Business/Marketing Professional of the Year Second Place Michael J. O’Neill

Best Video – Explainer, Diocesan and National News Organizations Honorable Mention How to Make a Palm Leaf Cross Neil McDonough and Lyn Dam

Best Interview – Video Honorable Mention New Life is Possible: Stories of Recovery Neil McDonough and André Escaleira, Jr.

Best Media Kit First Place Michael O’Neill and Patrick Finegan

Best Special Supplement or Special Issue with Advertising Emphasis First Place 2023 Christmas Gift Guide Michael O’Neill

Best Layout or Article Column – Diocesan Magazine First Place The Rosary Dr. R. Jared Staudt

Second Place Holy Face Chaplet Denver Catholic Staff

Third Place Generational Faith Daniel Campbell

Hot Topic – Eucharistic Revival Second Place Eucharistic Revival Parish Year Articles Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L., Mallory Smyth and Aaron Lambert

Best Cover for Color – Large First Place Easter 2023 Patrick Finegan and Filippo Piccone

Best Guest Column/Commentary Honorable Mention Recentering Father Daniel Ciucci

Best Seasonal Issue or Section Third Place 2023 Christmas Gift Guide Michael O’Neill

Best News Writing on a Local or Regional Event – Non-Weekly Second Place 30 Years Later, World Youth Day ’93 Remains a Spiritual Revolution Roxanne King

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues – Life and Dignity of the Human Person Second Place Colorado Pro-Life Efforts André Escaleira, Jr.

Best Story and Photo Package – By an Individual Honorable Mention New Abbey of St. Walburga Nun Finds ‘surging joy’ in Making Solemn Profession André Escaleira, Jr.

Office of Marketing & Communications

Social Media Professional of the Year Honorable Mention André Escaleira, Jr.

Best Use of Social Media Third Place Archdiocese of Denver André Escaleira, Jr. and Office of Marketing and Communications Staff

Best Diocesan Pastoral Message – Letter Honorable Mention That They Might Have Life: A Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila

El Pueblo Católico

Editor of the Year (Spanish) First Place Vladimir Mauricio-Perez

Spanish Publication of the Year Second Place El Pueblo Católico

Best Layout of an Article or Column – Magazine First Place Un encuentro con Jesús y su Iglesia: JMJ Lisboa 2023 Filippo Piccone

Best Cover – Magazine Second Place El Pueblo Católico – Feb/Mar 2023 Filippo Piccone

Best Use of Video on Social Media First Place Jóvenes y problemas de salud mental: Psicóloga católica Lissa Jiménez Vladimir Mauricio-Perez and Neil McDonough

Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues Honorable Mention El Pueblo Católico: Pro-Life Issues Rocio Madera

Best Coverage – Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate First Place Hermanas clarisas se mudaran a las panicies de Colorado para seguir vida de contemplación Rocio Madera

Best Editorial First Place El éxito es polvo… Vladimir Mauricio-Perez

Best In-Depth Analysis Second Place Fátima: Mensaje para nuestro tiempo Vladimir Mauricio-Perez

Best Interview Honorable Mention Llegamos a Estados Unidos en busca de dinero, pero encontramos a Dios Vladimir Mauricio-Perez

Best Parish Profile Second Place Parroquia Reina de la Paz inaugura nuevo centro parroquial Rocio Madera

Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate First Place Seminarista encontró su vocación mientras padecia de leucemia Vladimir Mauricio-Perez

Best Single Issue or Section First Place ¿Estás listo para recibirlo?

Best Writing – Analysis First Place ¿Qué debería tener en mente un católico acerca de Halloween? Edgar Mares

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