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Accreditation affirms school’s excellence

This Spring the Augustine Institute passed a major milestone when the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools granted full accreditation to the Institute’s Graduate School.

“This is a major milestone for us, especially coming in our tenth year of work,” said Tim Gray, president of the Augustine Institute. “I’m deeply grateful to our trustees, faculty, staff, students and all who have given so sacrificially over the past decade.”

Gray also commended the Association of Theological Schools for “guiding us through the process of accreditation and helping us to improve the quality of our graduate education and professional standards.”

A graduate school for laity, the Augustine Institute currently has 300 students on-campus and through its distance-education program, with over 200 graduates. Christopher Blum, academic dean, applauded the accreditation, stating that it now “affirms the academic integrity and excellent student services the school has provided over the years.”

Gray added, “As I look ahead to the next ten years, I am thrilled by the prospect of leading the Augustine Institute’s graduate school of theology to more distinguished achievements.”

He added that the next step will be to “build out a generous scholarship program that will support our students, on our campuses in Denver and Orange County, and through distance education.”

“With the help of our generous benefactors,” Gray said, “our students will be able to put their theological and practical training to immediate use for the sake of souls and for the greater glory of God.”

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