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A Guide to the Year of Mercy

On March 13, during a penitential service at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Jubilee, also known as the Holy Year of Mercy, to be commenced on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8 and ending on the Feast of Christ the King on Nov. 20, 2016.

“I am confident that the whole Church, which is in need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time,” the Holy Father said in his homily.

The Archdiocese of Denver will be celebrating the Extraordinary Jubilee with many different events of its own, both at its commencement and throughout the year. Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila will celebrate the opening mass of the Holy Year of Mercy at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m. in conjunction with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica by the Holy Father.

On Dec. 13, the Archdiocese of Denver will open its own Holy Doors in five different locations: the Cathedral Basilica in Denver, Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Denver, St. Stephen’s in Glenwood Springs and St. Anthony’s in Sterling.

Dive into this special section in Denver Catholic to learn more about the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy and how you can be a part of it.

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